

Tuesday June 13

Another 510km travel day in the making.

We stayed overnight at Crawford’s Beach Lodge, a dog friendly place to say the least. Meet Chester and his pals.

At sunrise, went for a quick walk on the beach, first meeting a monkey, then more dogs, one being helpful and carrying owner’s coat.

On the beach, talked to a lady who told me about a ceremony happening further along the beach. It was some locals who believe their ancestors live in the sea, and they were offering to sacrifice some goats to them.

One last look along the beach before hitting the road again. Storm clouds and chill winds already starting.

On the road, and strange to see shanty houses with satellite discs.

Clouds gathering

Even the schoolkids feeling the chill:

Stormsriver mouth, alias Splash Rock

The restaurant burnt down 4 years, so still housed in a temporary tent.

Walking time out to the suspension bridge.

And so on to Durban – a coffee plaza and the waterfront

Monument to those who died in bushfire 2017