Tues June 6
Exploring Kruger National Park.
So the search begins for the so called ‘Big 5’ – Lion, Leopard, Rhino, Elephant and Buffalo.
Sadly the name was created by hunters as the hardest to shoot as trophies. Our only shooting will be with a camera.
A very, very early start, not even time for breakfast, to increase the chances of seeing some big cats.
Cold in the open safari truck. How cold??
First sighting of the morning was some wild dogs. Their numbers are dwindling, so rare to see them. A good omen for the day
Then a hyena, looks as dodgy as expected
The first of theĀ beautiful birds
Doesn’t take long for the first of the big 5 to appear, I am sure we will see more of these.
Actually not one, but a herd:
Quickly followed by the buffalo – 2 down, three to go
These sightings are interspersed with many km of driving around on bumpy dirt roads.
Then our driver gets a message and suddenly we are off for quite a drive.
Where he takes us to is a sighting of a pride of lions – all females and cubs. The bush grapevine works well, and we are are in a crowd of vehicles.
2 and half down – need the male variety.
No he isn’t doing what you think – limping along and just having a sit down.
Then they headed off across the river
Not in the big 5, but cute – Kilspringers
Then on to more birds.
This one sitting on a post of a bridge we trundled over
Then driving along a bumpy, windy dirt road that would take all my attention, the driver slams on the brakes and calls out ‘leopard’.
Keep in mind these pics are taken with a big telephoto lens – how the hell did he see it???
4 out of the 5, and we are on our first real safari!
A bit further down the track we meet our first wildebeest – not on the big 5, but impressive.
Then a Lilac Breasted Roller
And Zebras
Life is trough in Krugar:
Total distrust:
Even some baboons
When you have a friend to help with your hairdo!
Female kudu
Even some vervet monkeys
An impala